2024 Trustee Nominees and Voting

Nashville First Baptist Church entrusts a body of lay leaders, called trustees, to collaborate with the members, pastors, staff, deacons and standing committees to oversee the work of the church. The nine trustees hold staggered terms. Per the church by-laws, a...

Nashville First 2022 Ministry Plan

With 2021 coming to a close, it’s time for our church family to review and approve 2022 Ministry Plans. Committees, staff, and teams have been diligently working to prepare our church for opportunities that will be ours in the coming year. Information on the 2022...

Giving Grows Devotionals: Week 4

Legacy Giving grows our ability to leave a legacy that will make a difference in future generations. Matthew 26:6-13 Day 1: Meredith Rodriguez Matthew 26:6-13 In Matthew 26:8, the disciples ask, “Why this waste?” upon seeing expensive ointment poured onto Jesus at the...

Giving Grows Devotionals: Week 3

Generosity Giving grows our desire to be generous and to help others. 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 12-15; 9:6-8 Day 1: Sam and Melanie Hirt   2 Cor. 8:1-5,12-15; 9:6-8 Corinth was noted for everything sinful. After the Corinthians repented, the grace of God was bestowed on...

Giving Grows Devotionals: Week 2

Stewardship Giving grows our willingness to steward God’s resources for His glory. Matthew 25:14-30 Day 1: Becky Brooks Matt. 25:14-30 This parable of Jesus focuses on service for the Kingdom of God. The master assigned responsibility based on ability. Likely, he knew...

Giving Grows Devotionals: Week 1

Ownership Giving grows our understanding that God owns it all and we are His stewards. Psalm 24:1; 1 Chronicles 29:14-18 Day 1: DiAnn Perry – DevotionPs. 24:1; 1 Chronicles 29:14-18 Psalm 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 2:14-18 remind us that everything is God’s because He...