Dear Church Family, In consultation with our Deacon and Trustee Chair, and out of concern for the safety and well-being of our church family, community members, and guests, Nashville First Baptist Church has made the decision to cancel the Worship Services and all...
Dear Church Family, The damage from last night’s storms has affected several of our families. Your staff spent most of the early morning hours attempting to make contact with every family in our database who lives in or near the affected areas, particularly east...
Constant Change Greek Philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 500 BC) said “The only thing constant is change.” The truth of this statement appears to be evident in many ways at Nashville First Baptist Church. Let me walk through a few of the changes that have recently...
Awaken Nashville Awaken Nashville is a thirty-day call to prayer for the city of Nashville. It began on January 26 and extends through February 23, 2020. We are participating this year along with over 537 local churches in Middle Tennessee representing several...
Opportunities in 2020 2020 is here and with it brings not only the reminder of a fresh new beginning, but the incredible opportunity that falls to members of our church family to look back and recall the faithfulness of God in leading us to the celebration of our...
The Greatest Gift is Jesus. This year as we prepare our hearts for Christmas, the Advent Season calls us to remember that God sent His one and only Son to rescue us from the domain of sin and death. Starting Sunday, December 1, the sermons for this year’s celebration...