Note: this is a pre-covid photo from the past with former students, that is why there are no masks.
Shirley Green began her career working with children in our Childhood Development Center on October 1, 1986. Nashville looked a lot different then, with much fewer skyscrapers and more small-scale honky-tonks. The city has always had very limited options for childcare downtown then and now. Nashville First Baptist’s now named “First Preschool” is truly a ministry to our families and community. With are thankful for Shirley’s dedicated service and ministry to these precious children and families over the years. Shirley Green retired from our First Preschool Child Development Center on December 30, 2020, after 34 years.
Shirley says, “My favorite thing about my job is loving on the children each day and working with such great people. It feels like a family more than a workplace.”
Shirley is originally from Nashville and graduated from East High School. Shirley has 2 grown daughters, Anaya and Tianna, and one grandson, Kedrick. She is married to Nathan Green, who formerly worked here as a custodian. She looks forward to spending more time with her family. Join us as we pray for Shirley and Nathan and wish them the best.