1. We have a story to tell the community. It is a story of good news. It is the gospel. We need a campus that is as fresh and welcoming as any place in Nashville, allowing us to tell this story today.
2. We are called to be stewards of what God has given us. We have the most enviable address in all of Nashville. We are right in the middle of everything, but our facilities are dated, unwelcoming, and in need of attention. We have an incredible income stream from our parking lot to fund these changes today. Our call is to be faithful stewards and carefully manage the resources God has given to us.

“We’re going to develop this campus, so it can be a ministry tool
that will help us reach a new generation for Christ.”
—Frank Lewis, senior pastor
3. Our new building will communicate a strong message to families with children, birth through high school: This is a Church committed to the spiritual nurture of a future generation. It addresses our mission at a critical and crucial time in our nation’s life. We are anchoring down to impact an entire generation for Christ.
4. The new building and a reconditioned Sanctuary anticipate a growing community around us that needs sacred space. Every square foot is dedicated to our mission to proclaim the gospel and provide the welcome of Christ to the person who does not yet know Him. Buildings are tools for ministry, and our tools need to be refreshed for a new day.
5. The new buildings will allow us to refit and repurpose existing space for other ministry needs that will make a difference in Nashville. It’s not all about us; it’s about our mission field. We see an expanded footprint for those in a difficult place in life, including a counseling center, recovery group spaces, and room for ministry partners. This enables us to serve as a Ministry Center to the “least of these” and an incubator for ministries yet to come.
6. This bold plan provides for a reconditioned Sanctuary that continues to be a cathedral in our city for a new generation. New seating, new flooring, improved audio and visual support and a platform area large enough for our orchestra, all honoring the architectural integrity of our beautiful Sanctuary.
7. We can renew our missional commitment as we celebrate our 200th anniversary of loving God and loving people in Nashville. I believe it is time for us to embark on a campus renovation that will provide the right kind of space needed—space for the spiritual work God plans to accomplish in and through us for the next season of our congregation’s life.