I Am the Light of the World

Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

We live on a small road in Pegram. The nights can be very dark, creating an interesting situation for Charli Mae and Ames, who are responsible for closing the door to the chicken coop each night. Some nights, by the time Charli and Ames make it out to the coop, darkness is well established. In their excitement to race to the coop, the two kids sometimes forget the little flashlight. Without light to see the woodshed or the trailer (or any number of other obstructions) the 100-yard walk from the house to the coop turns into a game of chance and can result in bumps and bruises. However, by simply remembering the flashlight, all the challenges presented by the dark are illuminated, making the passage to the coop safe and peaceful.

The theme of light versus darkness plays a major role in the Gospel of John. (See John 1:4-9.) In John 8:12, Jesus tells a group at the Temple, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” During a study of John last year, Ana and I learned that Jesus likely said “I am the light of the world” during the joyful Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, or Feast of Booths.* (See John 7:2.) During this festival, four towering menorahs were lit up at the Temple as Levites sang and played music. With this in mind, picture Jesus standing in the Temple, in the place where these brilliant fires would be burning, proclaiming, “I am the light of the world.” Some who heard refused to understand what He meant, but many believed in Him. 

During this Easter season, we hope you are reminded through verses like John 8:12 of Jesus’ power and deity. We pray that you understand how following Jesus is the only true way to navigate through the darkness of this world. We pray you know that Jesus provides eternal protection against the darkness for those who follow His brilliant light.

* See Gerald Borchert in The New American Commentary on John. See also https://www.hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Fall_Holidays/Sukkot/sukkot.html


Jamie and Ana Nabakowski, both born and raised in Memphis, TN, live in Pegram, TN, with their children: Charli Mae (9), Ames (7), Novalee (4), and Jolie Grace (11 mos.). The Nabakowskis joined NFBC in 2016, attend the Bryson/Walsh class, and alternate between the Fellowship on Broadway and Sanctuary services during Sunday worship.



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