Missions and Music in Guatemala

October 5, 2023

The Tennessee Baptist Men’s Chorale proclaimed the Gospel of Christ through song, word, and deed this past week across the country of Guatemala. Our very own Worship and Music Pastor, Joe Fitzpatrick, was a part of the leadership team that planned the tour and participated with the group as they presented concerts and provided ministry in churches, theaters, elementary schools, parks, a municipal school of the arts, and various civic venues. The ensemble videotaped a concert for national broadcast across Guatemala on a Christian television station which will air multiple times over the next few weeks. They also taped a program for a radio station that reaches Latino listeners in both North and South America, including a large portion of the United States.

There were over 88 decisions for Christ made during the course of their nine-day adventure. Pastor Joe states, “It was an incredible experience sharing the love of Christ with the lovely people of Guatemala. They were very open to the message and eternal hope of Jesus we proclaimed. Thank you for your prayers and support of this mission, ministry, and music endeavor.”


View photos from the mission trip below, click to enlarge:



If you would like to learn more about the trip, please click here