Milestone: Cast-In Place Concrete Topped Out by the end of the Month with approximately 4500 Cubic Yards of Concrete Poured for the Project to date.
For Reference:
- 1 Cubic Yard = ~4050 LBS
- 4050LBS x 4500 CY = 18,225,000 LBS of concrete for this job
- A Space Shuttle weights roughly 4,400,000 Million LBS
- 4.142 Space Shuttles Worth of Concrete
- 10 Cubic Yards = 1 truck
- 450 Concrete Trucks to First Baptist to accommodate the pours
Continue work on: Masonry, Mechanical / Electrical Rough-in, Framing of the stud walls and layout, beginnings of the Fellowship Hall – Worship Wall.
Click through slideshow below.
Photos provided by R. C. Mathews from their monthly report give you a close up view of the progress.