Nashville First has a number of valued ministry partners that through our generosity carry the message of Christ around the world. None are more closely aligned to our commitment to the gospel than the International Mission Board. We provide the resources needed for a missional network to offer hope to thousands of people groups representing millions of people around the world.
You can read the Global Impact Guide here for a quick overview of the way our gifts are being used in a proven strategy that results in reaching people for Christ and discipling them in the faith. You will also see how we are providing meals and medical relief, education, a sustainable economic option to those in need, and other means of support through a missionary network that is second to none.
And as always, 100% of your gift to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions goes to the mission field.
The week of prayer for International Missions begins this Sunday, November 29. To read the stories of our missionaries so that you can pray for them by name, click here. We will receive our offerings for International Missions during the month of December. I plan to be generous this year and challenge you to join me. I don’t know that the needs in our world have ever been greater than they are today.
You can give electronically here, just select “Lottie Moon” from the pull down menu in Realm. If you plan to be in our building in the weeks ahead, you can also use one of our generosity boxes in the church lobby and simply write LMCO in the memo line of your check.
Thanks for all you do to share Christ here and around the world.
Blessings, Pastor Frank