With the author, Hattie Bryant
Tuesdays October 5 to November 16 | Fellowship Hall Breakout Room
1 – 2 p.m. (Following Midday) | Zoom Option Available
Study Book: $20.00 please pay Hattie directly
A Christian’s Guide to End-of-Life Discussions
Most Americans over 65 have an Advance Directive yet when serious illness hits, the traditional documents do not seem to work well. That was the case for Hattie’s mom.
Bring any documents you have already prepared with an attorney or in a healthcare setting and learn how to add a powerful layer of communication to your wishes.
Best of all, we will explore what the Bible has to say about what it means to live forever with our Lord. Learn more at authorhattiebryant.com
- Create the ultimate gift for family, friends, pastors, and physicians.
- Remove uncertainty for yourself and your family.
- Invite open on-going communication on a difficult topic.
- Communicate to the people you love what matters most to you.
- Learn how to engage with the medical profession productively.
- Become your doctor’s favorite patient.
If you questions, please contact hattie@authorhattiebryant.com or call/text her 619-985-8001.