As the body of Christ, we are electing new deacons to begin serving in December 2022. The nominating process is open from now until September 18. Deacon Election Committee members encourage you to thoughtfully and prayerfully participate in the election process by completing EITHER a paper ballot or an electronic ballot.


We will let you know when it is time to vote for candidates.


Online voting must be completed by 9 p.m., Sunday, September 18, 2022.

A paper ballot may be mailed to you by request by calling Kim Hester at 615.664.6010. Paper ballots submitted by mail must be postmarked by September 16, 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Election Chair, Joy Fisher. We encourage you to give this vital process your prayerful attention.

The Deacon Election Committee

Names of members who can be nominated:

For a listing of people who are eligible to be nominated, please click here. 

Please do not vote for the following people, because they are currently serving as deacons or are life deacons. 

Life Deacons:
Allen Adcox, Harry Chapman, Ray Conner, Tommy Dixon, Norma Gabhart, Tad Harris, Jimmy Hester, Wilburn Honeycutt, Bob Jones, Bruce Meriwether, Jim Powell, Jim Shull, Hugh Sloan, Fred Turner, Wes Turner, and Larry Yarborough

Current Deacons:
Walker Batts, Russ Bradley, Denise Bronaugh, Jim Bronaugh, Becky Brooks, Heath Bush, Chuck Cagle, Gay Campbell, Jeff Carris, Joe Carter, Diana Chandler, David Clay, Andrew Cotten, Ken Curtis, Kevin Cullen, Brad Dunn, Gena Edwards, John Galloway, Steve Goins, Tim Hall, Dennis Harris, Nick Holt, Don King, Bill McKee, Kyle Meadors, David Miller, Jeff Mobley, Kelly Moreland-Jones, Greg Patterson, Lisa Pruitt, Barry Roberson, Susie Roberson, Scott Ruark, Nancy Ryals, Donna Scudder, Tommy Scudder, Joel Shideler, Sam Talley, Gary Tullock, Linda Tullock, Angie Tune, Mary Frances Turner, Steve Walsh, William Webb, Jack Wedekind, Richard Winstead, and Eleanor Yarborough

What is a Deacon?
Deacons are individuals selected by the congregation to prayerfully and consistently undergird and support the mission and ministry of Nashville First Baptist through moral, spiritual, and servant leadership. The qualifications of a Deacon are based in Scripture. Deacons are ordained to serve in the total ministry of the church, including pastoral ministries, with designated duties for Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the church offering, benevolent needs within the church, building security, and greeting visitors. Read the Qualifications of a Deacon here