WEEK 7- BRYAN BARLEY WHY DOES THIS MATTER FOR PEOPLE’S LIVES? Mark 8:27-30 Below is an outline of the sermon, along with some additional comments. Who is Jesus? What did others say? What did the disciples say? What do you say? Read Mark 8:27-28 | Who do others say?...
WEEK 6 – DR. THOMAS WEST WHAT DO YOU HAVE?: Mark 8:1-13 Below is an outline of the sermon, along with some additional comments. JESUS ALWAYS HAS A PLAN, BUT WE MAY ONLY SEE THE PROBLEM. Read Mark 8:1-2 Two chapters earlier we learn about the feeding of the...
WEEK 5 – DR. THOMAS WEST HEART MATTERS: Mark 7:1-23 Below is an outline of the sermon, along with some additional comments. “Legalism, Moralism,” What does this mean? The disciples are breaking with their tradition, not the Word of God The religious leaders...
WEEK 4 – BRYAN BARLEY HEALING THE SICK AND RAISING THE DEAD: Mark 5:21-43 Below is an outline of the sermon, along with some additional comments. If Jesus has the power to transform the definition of death, what should be our expectancy of what he can do through...
WEEK 3 – DR. JAY WOLF THE ANTIOCH MODEL: Acts 11:19-30 Below are the answers to the listening sheet, along with some additional comments. LEARN it to LIVE it! As a general rule, most of us have been “educated beyond our obedience” James 1:22 – “But be...
WEEK 2 – DR. THOMAS WEST THE POWER OF JESUS: Mark 4:35-41 Life is full of good and lighthearted moments. Yet, the storms of life will come. When they do, can you say, “It is well with my soul”? How can you be calm in the middle of the storm? Hebrews 6:19-20 says...