The Pastor Search Committee has arranged many opportunities for you to meet with our candidate and his family. Please plan to attend at least one


  • Meet & Greet (6:00–8:00 p.m.)— Church members are invited to a drop-in meet & greet with the candidate and his family. Light refreshments will be served plus time for Q&A. This is your opportunity to ask questions of the candidate and the search committee. Childcare provided (4 and under) during Q&A. (Broadway Chapel)



  • Meet & Greet (9:00–11:00 a.m.)— Church members are invited to a drop-in meet & greet with the candidate and his family. Light refreshments will be served plus time for Q&A. This is your opportunity to ask questions of the candidate and the search committee. Childcare provided (4 and under) during Q&A. (Broadway Chapel)
  • Lunch with Deacons and Committee Chairs (11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.)— All current deacons, life deacons, committee chairs, and spouses are invited to lunch with the candidate and his wife. (Fellowship Hall) Please register here.



  • Meet & Greet (9:00–10:00 a.m.)— Anyone unable to come to the Friday or Saturday events can meet the candidate during Connect Groups. Coffee, juice, and muffins provided. (Broadway Chapel)
  • Morning Worship (10:30 a.m.) — Candidate will preach in view of a call. At the conclusion of the service, there will be a special called business meeting during which church members present in person will have the opportunity to vote to extend the call to the candidate.