Masks or No Masks?
We are asking everyone (age 6 and above) who wants to enter the building to wear a mask until further notice. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. If you prefer not to wear a mask, we prefer that you continue to enjoy the worship services from the safety and security of your home.
Worship Leaders (including the members in the choir) will wear a mask until they are about to speak or sing. This is in keeping with the best practices that we are seeing in updates and news conferences. There is ample room between the platform area in our sanctuary and the pews to alleviate concerns of airborne transmission. Our choir is smaller at this time than normal in order to provide enough space between singers to reduce the risk of transmission.
Where do I park and which doors do I enter or exit the building?
If mobility issues are not a challenge for you, please park in Lot C and enter Door 6 (The door nearest the Preschool Entrance). We are trying to reserve Lot A for our members and friends who might be blessed to take fewer steps to enter the building using Door 3 (the covered entrance on 7th Avenue).
When you exit worship, you will be encouraged to use Door 1 to help eliminate crowding in the foyer.
What protocols and safety measures are being used?
- Your temperature will be taken at the door. If it exceeds 100.5, we will ask you to return to your car.
- Hand sanitizers are at every entrance and we are asking you to use them when you enter the building.
- The floor is clearly marked to help you maintain at least 6 feet of distance between you and worshippers who are not in your family.
- Ushers will assist you in finding a seat in the pews that are open for seating. Please be aware that we are leaving 2 pews vacant between pews where it is safe to sit.
- A cleaning crew is wiping down all contact surfaces (handrails, door handles, etc.) and cleaning the restrooms throughout the morning.
- We are not providing any print material to reduce the possibility of transmission.
- We are not providing coffee or other refreshments to reduce the possibility of transmission.
- Offering plates are not being passed, but you are welcome to use one of the Generosity Boxes in the foyer for your offering.
Will worship care be available?
Yes, beginning on Sept. 13 families with young children can make a reservation to attend Worship Care. Class sizes will be limited in capacity, with extra precautions. We are asking anyone who is not dropping off a child, to refrain from entering the nursery area.
To learn more you can visit