One-Year Terms:

Member since 1985; Connecting Class (teacher). Wife Kim; sons Jordan and Justin. Retired from LifeWay as Director, Student Ministry Publishing (27 yrs). Current service: Bible Study Director, Life Deacon, Sanctuary Choir. Prior: Executive Leadership Council, Deacon (chair), Family Enrichment Committee (chair), Interim Pulpit Supply Committee (chair), Minister of Education Search Committee (chair)

Member since 1992; Crossroads Dept. Husband Billy; children Shelby (26), Caleb (21). Senior Director for Patient and Family Engagement, Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Prior leadership: Nominating Committee, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee (chair), 4th grade SS teacher, mission trips to Brazil and Haiti

Member since 1999; Open Door Class, Cornerstone Dept (teacher). Wife Sarah; sons James (18), Will (14), Chandler (11). Licensed CPA; Controller at DWC Construction (12 yrs). Current service: Deacon, Finance Committee, RA Director. Prior: RA leader, Men’s Ministry, CLC group leader
Two-Year Terms:

Member since 1993; Eaton/Smith Class, Cornerstone. Husband Barry; daughters Annie (23), Lily (21). Homemaker/Caretaker; former loan officer, caterer. Current service: Enrolling Clerk, Bldg Security. Prior: Deacon (vice-chair), SS dept director, Childhood Ed Comm, Family Enrichment Comm, Flower Comm, Property Mgmt Comm, Interim Food Service Director, VBS Director, Youth Choir Sponsor

Member since 1991; Encouragers Class. Wife Susan; children Leslie Edgell, Nathan Honeycutt, Ellen Jones. Civil and structural engineer; owner of Honeycutt Engineering. Current service: Owner’s Representative for new building, Life Deacon, Building Committee, Security Service Group (co-chair), Deacon Security (co-chair), substitute SS teacher. Prior: Master Plan Implementation Comm, SS teacher, Property Mgmt Comm (chair), Nominating Comm

Member since 1982; Connecting Class. Wife Alyssa; children Drew Goins, Diana Newlin, Emily Thomas. Licensed CPA. Retired from State of TN as Director, TDEC’s Division of Remediation (37 yrs). Current service: Deacon, Personnel Comm, Executive Pastor Search Comm, Offering Coordinator, Bldg Security. Prior: Church Recreation Comm, Nominating Comm, RA leader, trustee, youth/adult rec league coach
Three-Year Terms:

Member since 1978; Stages Class, New Covenant Dept (teacher). Wife Melanie; sons Conner (26), Mitchell (22), Spencer (18). Financial Advisor, Pinnacle Financial Partners. Current service: Deacon. Prior: Personnel Committee (chair), Executive Leadership Council, Finance Committee, SS Director, RA leader

Member since 2009; Watts/Worrell Class, New Covenant Dept. Husband Dennis; children Julia (8), Vann (6). Former Asst. Treasurer, Tennessee Treasury Dept. (10 yrs). Current service: GA leader, Child Development Center Committee. Prior: Church Recreation Committee, Father/Daughter event team

Member 1998 – 2001; 2004 – present. New Covenant Dept (director). Wife Becky; children Daniel (14), Ben (13), Lucy (10). Attorney; Partner at Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis. Current service: Deacon, Youth Choir Sponsor, Deacon Nomination Committee. Prior: Deacon (chair, vice-chair), Master Plan Implementation Committee, Finance Committee, Executive Leadership Council, Hospitality Service Group