THE ANTIOCH MODEL: Acts 11:19-30

Below are the answers to the listening sheet, along with some additional comments.

LEARN it to LIVE it!

  • As a general rule, most of us have been “educated beyond our obedience”
  • James 1:22 – “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

What area of your life needs to be more obedient to God’s commands?

At Antioch See…

1. Their PASTOR

  • Barnabas, Pastor Thomas is a Barnabas- a “son of encouragement”.
  • Read: Acts 4:36-37

Who are you around that needs some encouragement? Who do you turn to when you need encouragement?

2. Their PURPOSE

  • They were helping to build the Kingdom of God.
  • Read: Matthew 22:37-39 and Matthew 28:19-20

How do you live out the command to “go and make disciples”?


  • We need to reset our baseline. Many among us have “arthritis of attitude.” We need to think differently and be open to change.

    Reflect on how much more we can do together than alone.

4. A Culture of Christlike ENCOURAGEMENT

  • 3 things we can do for people to encourage them: 1) Look, see people 2) Reach out, touch them 3) Give them a word of encouragement.
  • Read: Proverbs 18:21

Think about someone who made an impact on your life. What did it feel like to be noticed and to be loved?

Move off of SOMEDAY ISLE

  • No one has unlimited time. Your life will quickly pass you by and be over.  Today is the day to start, “Today is the day of your salvation.” Don’t let time fool you.
  • Read: 2 Corinthians 6:2

What has been holding you back from following God’s will for your life?